Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Everyone I love is going to die: itoldyouiwouldeatyou, Crywank, London, 09/12/17

Following a successful Australian tour, Manchester based anti-folk band Crywank returned back to the UK for a series of intimate shows.

According to their Bandcamp page, they have been told they are the worst named band in the country. This hasn't put off the fans, however, because both London dates sold out.

Both nights took place in London's Surya venue and support came in the form of Night Swimming and itoldyouiwouldeatyou. (I unfortunately missed the first act, sorry!).

London based indie-punk/emo outfit itoldyouiwouldeatyou performed a short but sweet set of eight songs. Lead singer Joey captivated the audience, introducing two new band members and then stepping into the crowd for one song.
The latest single, Mourn, was well received, and we even witnessed crowd surfing during the final song, Letters. This was particularly impressive considering the tiny size of the dance floor. 

If you haven't had a chance to listen to itoldyouiwouldeatyou, I highly recommend you to do so! (The video for Mourn is below).

After a short break, Crywank took to the stage. Frontman James Clayton performed a mix of songs from his four LPs.

Memento Mori from the excellently named Tomorrow Is Nearly Yesterday and Everyday Is Stupid LP went down well. Starting with the lyrics 'Everyone I love is going to die', it was never going to be a cheery evening.

Crywank's James Clayton
Despite the sad subject matter, the atmosphere in the venue was anything but miserable. 

Crywank bring people together. Fans who have been religiously listening to the releases since 2009 got the chance to chant the well-crafted lyrics back at the band. Couples slow-danced. There was no crowd surfing, more a state of gentle reverie.

It was a beautiful evening.

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